Drug dealer simulator xbox one store
Drug dealer simulator xbox one store

drug dealer simulator xbox one store

The duo continues to piece together why the journalist and Donald would have been killed by the same person. The business partner creates a cover-up, the journalist is found dead. They find two other suspects soon after-one a business partner of sorts, the other a journalist who had been about to reveal the criminal roots to Donald’s business. When Joan tells him he’s surprised he wasn’t able to tell she was a fellow addict but more surprised that Joan was able to keep something from him. Joan tells her she’s fine but she wants to tell Sherlock so that her name is dropped as a suspect. Chloe tells her that she didn’t know what to do when Joan showed up because she was nervous she was going to have to tell that about her past addiction, something that she’s managed to hide from everybody up until this point.

drug dealer simulator xbox one store

It turns out that Joan knew Chloe and that she had been one of Joan’s previous clients. Joan tells him that she’s going to visit Bell at the station-and updates him on his recovery-before leaving. Sherlock tells Joan that Chloe was noticeably on edge when they were talking to her and he wants to know why. The audience is able to tell that there’s more to Chloe than we know yet, but Joan doesn’t believe that she’s a suspect like Sherlock does. At the crime scene, Gregson, Joan and Sherlock run into Donald’s personal chef, Chloe (Heather Burns) who was shocked about the crime and had been the one to walk in and find him dead. The trick Sherlock discovers is that the man in question-Donald-had been about to kill himself before he was killed and presumably tortured beforehand. Elementary this week begins with a hedge fund manager being shot and killed and it’s up to Joan and Sherlock to discover who it was.

Drug dealer simulator xbox one store